The Different Ways to Lay Out a Killer Sudoku Game

Killer sudokus is now among the most popular sudokus variations. First, lets look at the basic rules of this traditional sudokus puzzle: Put the numbers 1-9 in every square area. The squares are the 9 column, 9 rows and 9 squares. You can also change the Paf casino squares if you wish.

Most people do not know the actual procedure to solve a killer sudoku puzzle. For the first two steps, memorize the numbers that can be placed in the cells. You then place the numbers in the cell where it looks like the number i in the corresponding square. After that, you move one column or row over another until you finish with the cell that contains the i. You need to remember that you should always start placing numbers one to nine in the first column or row, followed by spaces. For the last row, memorize the numbers that can be placed in the cells after the i, continue this procedure until you finish placing all the required numbers in the cell.

For this type of killer sudoku, you will Tusk notice that the task of laying out the puzzle is a little bit more complex than the ordinary version. First, you have to identify the location of the «cage» – the square where you plan to place your entire sum in. Laying out this cage is an important step because it determines how many wrong moves you will make when filling the squares with numbers. Next, you have to move your cursor to the square that contains the number that you want to place in that particular column or square. Click on the spot and count the number of times you have to move your mouse to complete this column.

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